Celebrating 60 years of Religious Profession
In her own words…
Miss Ferrer Bridget Brathwaite was born 80 years ago in the village of Petit Valley and was the first of seven brothers and sisters. She grew up with her grandmother who was a devout Catholic and spared no effort to ensure that her young granddaughter received a sound upbringing in the faith.
Drawn to religious life at a very young age, she was given the name “Assumpta” at her Profession and received the Dominican habit. It was an occasion she recalls with tremendous happiness because she felt that something great was happening in her life.
Sr. Assumpta was attracted to the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena because of the works in which they were engaged at St. Dominic’s Children’s Home and Holy Name and, in particular, the manner in which they carried out their work. Motivated by her deep love for children, she went on to serve for 30 years at St. Dominic’s Home and was responsible for the establishment and early administration of the Plainview Homestead in Arima.
With regard to challenges faced over the past sixty years, Sr. Assumpta explained that “when I recognise it is the will of God, the challenges become something I can handle.” She added that everyone should realise that “God is always deep within you and because of that you can move around and do what is asked of you.”
She admits that the current decline in vocations bothers her but understands that it is not easy for young people today. She is of the view that if young people see how the sisters live and recognise the Lord in it they will come. Nevertheless, as she looks to the future she says confidently that “God is in charge and that the Holy Spirit will speak.” Sister Assumpta feels hopeful about the future and says that we have to trust in the Lord that something good will happen in everything – the Congregation, the country and the world.

Photos: Thanksgiving Mass at Dominican Sisters, Carmody Road, St. Augustine.
As a Dominican sister, her greatest enjoyment comes from the occasions when the sisters meet together. She stressed that the way in which the sisters work together, no matter what, was truly outstanding.
In looking back over her years in religious life she had this to say,
“I feel satisfied and fulfilled. If I had to live my life over again I would choose to become a Dominican sister all over again. There have been times of failure. I have made mistakes but at the same time when these happen you feel the hand of the Lord is with you, helping you to move on so that you would not stay in that fallen place. You will move out. There will always be trials and difficulties in life but you must pray for grace. Do not let problems keep you there. The most important thing in life is to trust in the Lord. When difficulties arise know that the Lord is there and he will help you.”
Sr. Assumpta feels proud that the Generalate will be coming to Trinidad because this meant that Trinidad was chosen out of all the other countries.
Her advice to young people is “to lead and follow a good life, fulfil your duties well and think of others.”
With regard to herself, Sr. Assumpta would like people to know that she always gives herself totally to the will of God and that she is always thinking of others.
Having retired from active ministry, Sr. Assumpta enjoys a quiet life of prayer, reading, sharing in household tasks, helping out in her community in whatever she is asked to do and attending sessions at a senior citizens centre nearby. She is very contented and it is clear that God has blessed this holy and generous Sister in many ways.
Congratulations Sr. Assumpta!
(May 20, 2011)