A vocation is a gift from God. If you feel that God has been gently calling you to religious life, perhaps for quite some time, have no fear. You are not alone. The first step is to come along to the monthly study group meetings where you will explore with other people like yourself whether God is indeed inviting you to become a Dominican Sister.

Postulancy is a period of usually six months to two years during which the interested woman lives with one of our communities and participates fully in all aspects of our life. She continues in her regular job but makes no binding commitment to the Congregation. It is a time to begin to learn about life within the Congregation and then ascertain whether it is indeed the kind of place in which she will be able “to find life and have it abundantly”.

The Novitiate is a time of intense formation “when the spirit and heart are formed according to the Dominican ideal, and solid foundations are laid for a formation that will continue for several years and in a way, even through life.” (Constitutions #91C). It lasts for a minimum of two years.

Temporary Profession
Upon completion of the novitiate, sisters may proceed to make Simple Vows for a period of five to six years. It is a time “for deepening the life of faith so that the Sisters may assume gradually the demands of the religious vocation in view of Perpetual Profession and strengthen the foundations vital to the harmonious and continued development of their personalities.” (Constitutions, #105C)
Perpetual Profession
The sister makes final and permanent vows to God and to the Congregation.